Hey! So, a customer asked me to make a magnet chalkboard for her and this is what I came up with. If you want to make your own, it was really easy and it turned out so cute. Plus the possibilities are endless because you can paint your frame however you want!
Sheet Metal
3/8” plywood
Wood Glue
Chalkboard paint
3.5” mdf strips for your frame
Tools used:
Kreg Jig
Brad nailer
Miter saw
To start off you just want to cut a piece of plywood to go under your magnet board. I cut mine so that the metal was about 3” shorter than the plywood all the way around.
Then use some E6000 and glue it down. I LOVE this stuff!
I let mine sit overnight and then gave it a coat of my favorite (the best) primer. Kilz spray primer. It is better than anything else. I promise!
I didn’t give it a super solid coat but it’s enough that the chalk paint will stick to the metal.
After that is dry, paint it with your chalkboard paint. I use Websters Chalk paint powder. I like it better than the spray paint. It comes in a powder and you can mix it with whatever color you want.
I put 2 coats of the chalkboard paint on and it was just right.
Next up, the frame. I use these mdf strips ALL THE TIME. For several reasons 1. I don’t like to sand. 2. I don’t really like to sift through the crooked 1x4’s at Lowes while the kids in my cart scream 3. They’re primed already 4. I don’t like to sand. wait…did I say that already…I don’t like to sand. Yeah, I think it’s clear.
Oh another reason, they are 17 Feet long!! It’s awesome.
I get them at our local building supply store. Basin Builders. Just ask them to cut them in half for you so they actually fit in your truck. They’re really nice and they don’t mind.
This is what they look like. Except mine are already cut down for the frame were making.
I used my Kreg jig (tool I cannot live without) to drill some pocket holes so I could make the frame. I put 2 pocket holes on each end of my shorter boards.
Then just put some glue on the end of your board and attach it with pocket hole screws.
Just keep going until you have all 4 corners attached and you end up with a frame.
Double check for fit and paint it the way you want it. My customer wanted a rustic red chevron. And I think We got it!
Next up, put some wood glue around the outside of your magnet board. Then put your frame on top and clamp it down.
I clamped all 4 corners and then flipped it over and used my nailer to secure it.
Once the glue is dry, it’s good to go. Hang it up or put it on a shelf. Who doesn’t need a chalkboard in every room? I’m a little obsessed. Is anyone else with me?
Where do you buy the chalkboard powder and what color did you mix it with for this project? Thanks so much! I love all your stuff, so cute!!!
Ang, I buy it online. Here is the website. http://websterschalkpaintpowder.com/ For this project, I just mixed it with the black I had on hand. I think it's black satin. I usually have them take all the white pigment out of it when they mix it. That way I get a really black, black. Thanks so much!
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